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    ADM Series I/O module

    • 8AI Current/Voltage
    • 8AI Current/Voltage
    • 8AI Current/Voltage
    • 8AI Current/Voltage
    8AI Current/Voltage8AI Current/Voltage8AI Current/Voltage8AI Current/Voltage

    8AI Current/Voltage

    • Model: ADM-4280A
    • Function: 8AI
    • Interface type:RS-485
    • Protocol: MODBUS-RTU
    • Product description: ADM-4280A is an 8-Channels 0~20mA/4~20mA/0~5V/1~5V/0~10V analog signal acquisition module. The communication interface adopts RS-485 interface, supports standard MODBUS-RTU protocol, and can be direc
    ADM-4280A is an 8-Channels 0~20mA/4~20mA/0~5V/1~5V/0~10V analog signal acquisition module. The communication interface adopts RS-485 interface, supports standard MODBUS-RTU protocol, and can be directly connected with configuration software, PLC, DCS, industrial control touch screen, etc.
    (1)Analog signal input
    1. Input Channel 8-Channels differential analog input
    2. Input Type:0~20mA, 4~20mA, 0~5V, 1~5V, 0~10V (Select current or voltage input through internal jumper) Factory                             default is 0~20mA
    3. Input impedance Current: 250R, Voltage: 150K
    4. Convert Rate :Low speed mode: 2 times/s , High speed mode: 10 times/s
    5. Resolution :16bit ADC chip, low speed mode: 15 bits, high speed mode: 13 bits
    6. Acquisition precision: ±0.1%
    7. Temperature drift: ±25ppm/℃
    8. Convert Rate setting: Low speed mode or high speed mode can be set
    9. Signal type setting: Each channel can set the signal type independently and can be closed
    (2)Communication interface
    1. Communication protocol: MODBUS-RTU
    2. Interface type: RS-485 interface
    3. Interface protection: 600W Surge, 15KV ESD, 1500V isolation protection
    4. Baud rate: 1200/2400/4800/9600/19200/38400/57600/115200 bps
    5. Parity:No, Even, Odd
    6. Default: 9600, N, 8, 1 (modifiable)
    (3)System parameter
    1. Module size: 104mm x 72mm x 26mm
    2. Installation: 35mm din rail installation
    3. Environment: temperature: -10~60 ℃ humidity: 0-95%, not condensing
    4. Power supply: DC9~30V is less than 1W
    (4)Indicator light definition
    1. POWER: power indication, "bright" power supply is normal
    2. COMM: RS-485 communication indicates that "flash" sends and receives data
    Using the default communication parameters
    The default communication parameters of the module are Baud rate=9600, Data bit=8, Parity bit=None, Stop bit=1, Slave ID=1. The user can change Slave ID, Baud rate and Parity bit. When the user forgets the modified communication parameters, press and hold the switch on the side of the module before power supply(Release after 1 second), and the module loads the default parameters to communicate. At this time, the user can read the user parameters area to view the user parameters.
    Module register address description
    1.30001~30008: analog input register address (3x),
    Using 04 function code, address is 0000H~0007H.
    2.40001~40008: analog input register address (4x),
    Using 03 function code, address is 0000H~0007H.
    3.40160~40165: module parameter register address (4x),

    Using 03 and 06 function code, address is 009FH~00A4H.

    Current and voltage selection jumper
    Jumpers JP-0~JP-7 inside the module are used to select channels AI0~AI7 as voltage or current inputs, JP-0~JP-7 short circuited jumper caps are used as current inputs, JP-0~JP-7 disconnected jumper caps removed are used as voltage inputs. (Factory default is 0~20mA, jumper cap has been installed). The position of jumper on PCB is shown in the figure below:

    Scan the qr codeClose
    the qr code

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